Whose is it?

October 5, 2021By Tim Schilstra(5-4) Whose Sock Is This?

Students will decide who gets each card by using the target language. The student with the most valuable cards is the winner. Whos is it?  Rules ppt Whose is it?  Cards   Whose is it?  Suggestions  

Who Am I

October 5, 2021By Tim Schilstra(5-1) Where are You From?

Guess which animal it is.  Along with information about where the animal is from, there are other clues. The final slide has my information on it. The students enjoy it, so change the picture and information to about yourself. Who Am I? Answers  


October 5, 2021By Tim Schilstra(5-1) Where are You From?

After a brief introduction and discussion about flags, students will create their own flag.  They will come up with their own meaning for the things they put on the flag. Flags Flag Printout  

The Other Day

October 5, 2021By Tim SchilstraPhrases

The other day is a day that happened recently in the past.  Most often it is used to talk about the day before yesterday, but it can refer to any recent day.   This expression, with its current meaning, dates to 1421.  However, in Old English (1400s) it meant the next day. Example:  The other day … Read More

Back on Track

October 4, 2021By Tim SchilstraPhrases

My friend recently posted about an outdoor railway museum in Gunsan (Korea Travel Advice).  I go to Gunsan at least a few times a year on bicycle, and I didn’t know about it.  I thought that it might be around the Japanese village, so I looked it up.  As it turns out, it is right … Read More