Getting under my skin

Debate Bro

I love watching debates. One of the best YouTube channels for watching debates is called Modern Day Debates. Today they hosted a debate between Gavin McInnes and Destiny that was a lot of fun to watch. I don’t think I learned a lot from the debate but it is easily one of the most entertaining debates I have ever seen. I enjoyed watching these two use their own type of rhetoric as they discussed Joe Rogan’s podcast. The debate got quite heated and turned into a shouting match at time with a lot of insults and ad hominem being used. Destiny clearly came out on top because he really got under Gavin’s skin. I have linked the debate with a time stamp showing McInnes punching his microphone.



Gavin McInnes is a far-right political commentator and the founder of the Proud Boys, a neo-fascist white supremist organization. He is a gifted rhetorician but I think he is used to people who agree with him. In cases where he comes into contact with opposing viewpoints, he often bullies the person into being quiet. I think it has given him undue confidence. Unfortunately for McInnes, he was up against a skilled debater. Destiny is considered one of the founders of debate-bro culture. He has discussions and debates daily and easily handled McInnes with a giggle. I certainly hope to see these two ‘debate’ again sometime.


Getting under someone’s skin means to make them angry or irritated. The person may feel frustrated or annoyed by the other person. The phrase has the feeling of being extremely irritating.  I think of it like a rash. It is very annoying and irritating and feels like it is just under your skin. adds that splinters, insects, and other irritants can be lodged under your skin and case an irritation.

Example: My boss is getting under my skin. She keeps changing her mind which means I must stay late doing paperwork.

It appears that this phrase is just a metaphor to being irritated by something trapped under your skin. It is easy to see the connection between a skin irritation and an irritating person.

Romantic Irritations

The phrase can also be used in a romantic sense to say that you are opposed with someone. I’ve got you under my skin means that I think about you a lot. This usage is less common, so you will mostly hear it associated with annoying or irritating people.

See Also: Beyond the Pale, Get someone's goat, Rage quit, His bark is bigger than his bite

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